Saturday, 9 October 2010

'The Expendables' - Movie Review

The Expendables (3.5 out of 5 stars)

Did you used to watch all those classic action movies in the 80's and 90's?
The Stallones, the Arnies, the Lundgrens...? Yes?
Well, imagine taking all the best bits that those guys did, and chucking them all into your movie-blender and giving it a good blast...what you'd then pour out into your glass would be a pint of 'The Expendables'.
Cheesy, funny, outright violent and gory, but above all damn good action-based fun, this is a great throwback to ye olde action era I mentioned earlier.
OK, fair enough, you'd struggle to find anything resembling decent acting in the film, but if you're a fan of the genre, then that's not really what you're looking for, is it??
To my mind, the real stars of this movie are Jason Statham, and a hugely underused Mickey Rourke. Jet Li needs to avoid speaking at all costs, but other than that it's great! Look out for the incredible shotgun action that Terry Crews dispenses towards the end of the movie, brilliant!

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