Friday 8 October 2010

'Rogue' - Movie Review

Rogue (3.5 out of 5 stars)

Ahhh how we love killer animal movies. This is a VERY solid entry into the 'killer croc' category, not as much fun as Lake Placid, but tighter, more tense, and very inventive.
Whereas films of this kind often have an air of cheesiness about them, this film successfully avoids that, and is instead a genuinely creepy stalker movie, this is largely achieved with good (not cheesy) acting, excellent tension-building cinematography, and original ideas (my personal favourite is the scene where the cast have to try to cross a stretch of water on a rope, as the tide comes in, threatening to submerge the little island they are marooned on).
Excellent stuff, well worth a watch if you like this sort of thing.

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